Studenten der FSP engagieren sich beim Bundesweiten Vorlesetag 2013
Das Projekt fand im Rahmen unseres Englisch-Unterrichts bei Frau Dr. Fritz statt, weshalb wir auf Englisch berichten:
November 15th, 2013 marked the 10th annual nationwide reading day. Our class, the FS1.1, took part in this event by reading English books to kindergarten and school kids. Our class divided into small groups, then organized their reading material and arranged the visits with the providers. Here are the impressions our class made on that day:
Christine, Careen and Bianca went to the Nachtbarschaftshaus in Biebrich
When we got there we first introduced ourselves to the children. We had a group of seven kids. Then Christine read the book “Let’s go to the Zoo” in English while Careen was translating it into German and Bianca was animating the kids to participate. She also was flipping the pop ups open from the book. The Children participated very well and soaked everything up like a sponge. They named the colors and animals, they counted and matched the baby animals to their parents.
Dennis visited the Känguru-Kita Salierstraße
I read out the book “How dinosaurs get well soon“. I have known the kids for over two years so I knew well what topic they could be interested in. The decision for that book was perfect because the kids were going to visit the “Senkenberg-Museum” in Frankfurt. I read out page by page, explained the kids the main words in English and translated them into German. That sparked a discussion about the behavior of dinosaurs, how to behave when you’re ill and how to get well soon. The kids had a lot of fun, enjoyed to hear this story in a new language and where thankful for the new information about dinosaurs and getting well.
Marina, Daniela and Constanze went to the elementary school in Breckenheim
We visited two third grade classes. The teacher, Mrs. Ritter, gave us a warm welcome. We arranged the chairs in a circle formation for the children to have a better view. We read the book “Elmar’s colors” by David Mc Kee. We used three books, two for showing and one for reading. We read page by page then asked some questions about it. Questions like “How many animals are there?” or “Could you tell us the name of the colors?” The children did a good job. After we had finished the book we read it again for better understanding.
Then we played two games. One was the “red socks game”: One person called out a color and the kids that who had that color had to switch places. The one left standing had to call out a new color. The second game was “123, the seat next to me is free”. Every person has a number and one chair is empty. The person on the left of the chair says “123, the seat next to me is free. I wish for number … sit next to me.” This event was a great experience for us and the children.
Rebekka and Svenja were at the kindergarten “Känguru” in Schierstein
We read two books to five children and the kids were 4 and 5 years old. The first book was “Jump” and the second book was “Hippo”. We read for an hour at the snoozle room in the kindergarten. The children were really interested. Before we read the book, we sang the song “Old McDonald had a farm”. We were really excited, because it was the first time for the kids that they heard the English language.
Several students went to the Blücherschule in Wiesbaden
Ama and Thomai: We read the book “Llama, llama, red Pyjama” in English and the kids in the third grade translated it to German. It was very surprising how well they understood what we were reading. It was a great experience, and we would like to do it again.
Lara and Valentina: We came to a third grade and took about half the class with us to read out the book “The very hungry caterpillar”. Valentina read the English part and Lara read the German part. We showed them the pictures and asked some questions about the colours, numbers and days. After reading we talked with them and asked questions about their names and ages in English. It was a great experience and we are interested in doing that again.
Melanie and Julia: We visited the same class as Valentina and Lara and took the other half of the class with us. We read out the book “Jenny wants a dog“. Julia read the English part and Melanie read the German part. We asked questions about the story, the colours and if Jenny got a dog. When we read a page, we showed them the pictures. After reading we had a conversation with the kids about the book. The children said what they understood in English.
Alena, Magda and Isabell went to the Obermeyer Rosenkindergarten in Wiesbaden
We met in front of the kindergarten, went in and split into two groups. Our children were ages 3 to 5. Magda read two picture books in two groups (“How dinosaurs clean their room” and “The gingerbread house”). Alena and Isabell read “The unicorn who had no horn”. The children enjoyed it very much. During reading they came closer and closer to touch the pictures in the book. Isabell read one page in English, Alena translated it into German. It was a new experience for us.
Andreas was in the Kindergarten Erbenheim
I read out “A very hungry Caterpillar“. The book is a bilingual version; it is in English and German. I read out the English part and a kindergarten teacher read the German one. After we finished reading, we asked some questions. We read to two groups of children, in each group there were 4-6 children with an age between 3 and 5 five years.